AboutUnlock the power of P2P transfersBuy or Sell any digital assets securely and transparently at own exchange rate without amount limits. Create or accept Ads, protocol will do the rest.
We believe in onchain public markets with trustless relations between buyers and sellers, eliminating the need for a third-party intermediary.
TrustBakstag is secure to the core.
How it worksHow to exchange tokenized assets in omnichain way using Bakstag protocol
01CreateChoose token to sell with desired amount, select token to receive, then set preferred exchange rate between assets
02PublishSign and publish with custom conditions to make Ad available onchain, so everyone can accept it across open internet
03AcceptNavigate through feed and find existing Ads that suits your needs. Accept with zero commission fees.
04ReceiveOnce Ad is accepted, buyer and seller receive assets to non-custodial wallets. Imaging exchanging BOME (Sol) for USDC (Base) in seconds.
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